This last year has been a rather good one. I have made friends, forced myself to be more social in terms of groups, done work on my house, explored many, many woods and brooks and gotten many, many, MANY itchy insect bites in the process. I've gone to museums and galleries and concerts and plays and movies; I've even gone on a mini-road trip.
In terms of religious feeling or, dare I say/write it? - spirituality, which let's face it, is one of those projectile-puke inducing words a lot of the time, I feel MUCH clearer and happier and anticipatory of good things.
But that certainly is not to say that I am smugly satisfied. It is interesting that one can be rather content, without losing the desire to improve. And, alas, there is LOTS of room for improvement. But I think what I find encouraging is that this last year has demonstrated to me that things truly can change for the better, that I myself have the capacity to change for the better, and that it doesn't necessarily take ten years. Well, maybe for some areas of my life - some may even take more time than I have left on earth - but the general direction is upward, which beats the feeling I had a couple of years ago, that in general, things kept getting worse and worse. What a bummer, as they say in the vernacular . . .
So Excelsior! Onward and upward, and as always, thanks G-d!
In terms of religious feeling or, dare I say/write it? - spirituality, which let's face it, is one of those projectile-puke inducing words a lot of the time, I feel MUCH clearer and happier and anticipatory of good things.

So Excelsior! Onward and upward, and as always, thanks G-d!
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