Tuesday, August 4, 2009

At long last, blog!

Having received a complaint from one of my loyal readers that I haven't been keeping up with the times, I have hereby resolved to add something - anything! at least three times a week. We'll see how long that noble notion lasts . . .

In the meantime, I continue to struggle with the sheer numbers of nifty doodads I have collected over half a century or so. My defacto sister-in-law, Jan, came over yesterday and we spent 45 productive minutes working on it, which instilled new hope in me.

Jan had gone to the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan over the weekend (yes, folks, she, at least, has a working brain and intellect. Mine have fallen into sad disrepair.) There she saw a show put together by a Japanese artist whose mother was a hoarder and barely had room to move in her little house. He finally persuaded her to let him clean out her house by suggesting he use her collections as the basis for an exhibit. This lofty purpose spoke to the importance of her possessions, so she acquiesced. The Museum of Art set aside a large gallery room in which he simply arranged every single item that had been in her house, along with either a replica of, or the original of, her tiny home. Jan e-mailed me this photo she took.

My stuff would make a great exhibit! I would just prefer to have it in my house, where I can enjoy it. And I would like to be so organized that I would know where to look for any particular type of item, so I could have revolving shows around different themes. Well, onward and upward.

I also include a manipulated photo of my backyard in winter, where I have substituted a castle tower for the rose-colored shed which stands in the back. I have often dreamed of having just a small castle in my backyard, nothing too showy or ostentatious . . .

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