Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What to do, what to do?

What is there to do when one doesn't know what to do?  Well, I am going to start a little list and add to it as ideas come to me. 
1.  Library
2. Bookstore
3.  Listen to music
4.  Make a pop-up card
5.  Go outside NOW, immediately
6.  Start a scrapbook and fill it with items found outdoors.
7.  Visit a museum
8.  Say tehillim  - check out Bratzlaver Rebbe's recommendations.
9.  Write a fairy tale (speaking of the Bratzlaver Rebbe . . . )
10.  Memorize a poem - or passage

I'll add more ideas as they come to me - there are of course zillions of things to do, but I want to list only relatively non-challenging, easy things because boredom has a lot to do with lack of energy and initiative.  Let's face it, there are so many nifty things to do, one need never be bored if one has the get up and go to get up and get going.  This list is for when the urge to become horizontal is growing stronger with every passing moment.

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