Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mehrlicht is coming! Mehrlicht is coming!

Just when you are in danger of being swallowed up by the post-holiday. deep-winter doldrums comes Mehrlicht to the rescue.

An obscure (to say the least!) winter festival with its origins in the folk customs of Denmark and Germany, Mehrlicht celebrates the time of year when the gradually lengthening days become more obvious, and hope begins to stir that spring and redemption will come.

Observances are varied, with lit candles figuring prominently. as well as handmade holiday cards and paper crowns.  I have found a few people potentially willing to march to Palmer Square with me at night, carrying lit tapers, but I'm not sure I'm psychologically prepared this year!

Much more likely is that one evening this weekend I will make my way over to a lake or stream and send a bark boat off onto the waters with a small lit tea-light to drift for a while on the water before I reel it in with a string tether attached to one end.

It looks so much like winter this year, sidewalks, yards, and shrubs all covering in thick snow icing.  THIS is what winter looks like, only we've forgotten over the years.  This year is a forceful reminder of what winter used to be and can be again.  Those of us who love having four seasons have little reason to complain.  We are promised more snow tonight, but so far it hasn't materialized.  The six year old lurking behind my adult exterior is secretly hoping for a foot, but I fear she is doomed to disappointent.  However, any contributions will be gratefully accepted, even an inch or two!

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