As I explain in my amended post about a space alien visitor for Thanksgiving, my friend Lorenzo the Magnificent was appalled by the computer-distorted photo of myself I posted, and yielding to his horrified entreaties, I have banished the photo to the outer reaches of cyber-space.
Stung by his (and other's) implication that this photo remotely represented me, I immediately grabbed my obsolete cell phone, which has a camera included (the only camera I use) and, pausing only to brush my hair, but not even to put on makeup (this was at the end of a long, trying day), or take off my coat, I took my photo. So this is me, as of Tuesday, December 14, 2010, after a day of editing, tutoring, erranding, and Stony Brook brook exploring. It may not be my best photo ever, but I don't believe anyone would accuse me of being a space alien - based on my looks . . .
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