I had plans for this afternoon; plans which I entirely forgot until I was headed to dinner with my brother and sister-in-law. I regret the forgotten plans to go to Drumthwacket for early music concerts, 18th century festivities, and cookies and cider; it would have been different and social. But I cannot find it in my heart to regret my afternoon's occupation, which yielded enchanted finds to treasure.
I found a new secret stream and forest, today, one which I had no idea existed, and one which has a rushing brook, moss-shrouded boulders, and bramble-protected bowers. It seems to go on and on, twisting and turning, rushing and babbling deliriously through the rocks and boulders wedged in the stream bed. I wanted to follow it through to its end, but didn't have time. The stream itself was protected by a wall of brambles, then a wide wooded walkway, and another wall of brambles, making it truly seem like a world apart. I would have loved to have strolled on the other side as well, but for that I would have to wade through the water, and and I deemed it imprudent. Now I wonder why. I can hardly wait to go back, with boots.
Then I explored a different stream, getting much further down than I had ever gone before, discovering in the process a sand-bank strewn with quartz and pebbles with vari-colored inclusions. The woods did not yield up their secrets without a fight, however. The brambles were astonishingly vicious and animated, twide they scored hits brutal enough to make my blood literally flow; my fingers were covered with blood. But the battle and the wounds were worth it. Rootling around the sandbank, I found, among other nifties, a pale rose-quartz, a quartz pebble so clear part of it is transparent, a fossilized whelk(?) shell, a large semi-petrified oyster shell, and - a geode with sparkling crystals exposed!!!! Yes, it is tiny, the crystals are tiny, but it is a geode, naturally eroded to display the crystalline interior, and I
found it; I didn't buy it, I
found it in the stream!
I love rubies and emeralds and sapphires and opals and amethyst and diamonds and the list of gemstones goes on; but the clear quartz pebble, the petrified shells, and the geode are just as exciting to me; as dear to me as a royal diadem, because I found them, and because they are natural magic. I want to go back to this second stream - again with boots, and in this case, with a tough set of pruning shears for all the brambles - and explore more pebbled sandbanks and find more treasures.
There is no end of excitement in the world if one simply peeks behind the veil obscuring the thrilling adventures awaiting us. I was eight years old again today, and it felt wonderful.