I have an art retreat the day after tomorrow; a much-anticipated event which unfortunately requires planning in advance and considerable amounts of organization. Not my strong points.
I find myself still picking up supplies, ferretting through the mountains of craft supplies I already own, planning last-minute nifty projects despite the fact there is clearly no time to even begin them, let alone finish them - in other words: SNAFU - Situation Normal, All Fehpoodelt Up.
The fact is, there are things in life which are more important than being 100% prepared for an event, and in my case, being with Twin when he needs me is an easy winner. He lost his father about a week ago, and his mother had died about a year ago; a lot of loss in a short period of time.

But I was with Twin for his father's funeral, when he needed me, and deepened closeness and connection I feel for him has a significance and a beauty which more tawdry satisfactions cannot hope to impart. Sometimes satisfying one's heart and doing the right thing are the same. That was certainly the case for me here.
Now, if only I could figure out what to do with those mermaid appliques when I get back from the retreat . . .
Ah well, for now they get added to the teetering mountain of containers crammed full of craft supplies in my so-called studio, which more closely resembles a grubby storage facility. Someday, though, I will be in dire need of mermaid appliques, and who'll have the last laugh then?
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