Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I'm dreaming of a pink Christmas

My taste has always hovered precariously close to tacky.  When I was a child, I would have given the world for one of those artificially colored and preserved roses suspended inside a lucite globe which you could buy at the supermarket.  My mother, guardian of my taste, refused, to my misery.  Luckily, I grew out of that one.

But last year, to my dismay, I found myself craving tacky 1950s bottlebrush Christmas trees in pink, turquoise, and silver.  So strong was the impulse that I succumbed.  I had three pink trees of various sizes, and one blue tree, and the ornaments were pink, light green, and turquoise shiny and matte balls, along with vintage silver glitter birds from my childhood.  I have to admit, it looked so delicious, my teeth hurt just remembering it.  Alas, I took no pictures.

This year, I was way behind the times, and didn't get the trees out of storage, so all I had were some very small bottlebrush trees in green and pink, and one larger tabletop tree of pink glitter, along with a 50s snowman and santa.  Nonetheless, it made me happy to look at.

There is something about some color combinations that is like a jolt of adrenaline - I feel my blood rushing and my heart pounding when I look at them.  Some pinks combined with glitter do that to me, as do pinks with some turquoises, some greens, and some aquas.  Just typing these words, I am suddenly salivating.

So, while it is true I am dreaming of a white Christmas outdoors, indoors, give me a pink Christmas any day.

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