Monday, September 28, 2009

Oh, those old-time autograph albums!

Among the many things I collect are vintage autograph albums, primarily from the mid to the late 1800s, with a smattering dated through the 1920s.

They had a version of this when I was in elementary and middle school - I think they called them "bash" books - such a charmingly euphonious name, don't you think? - and each page had a heading in which the invited people wrote their comments. To say that the contemporary version seemed rather crude and mean-spirited beside the lofty corniness of the vintage books would be an understatement. The ones I saw singled out those poor kids who weren't "in" with the "In Crowd" and made fun of them. I have never run across a mean-spirited comment in my vintage autograph books.

The older books are fascinating - each person wrote a little verse, usually not original, and signed it with aspirations to ever-lasting friendship. Some people drew designs and pictures, some even painted water colors of some skill. All the messages were encouragements to good behaviour, with the exception of a few which encouraged the young woman whose book was being written in to pick a good husband.

I include here a typical verse with a clever twist of which some writers were fond. Remember, most of the writers and artists were high-school age, just setting out in the world. I was reminded of this amusing effort recently when I saw another, very similar version, pictured in a book I was browsing through.

B hopeful, B happy, B cheerful, B kind
B busy of body, B modest of mind
B earnest, B truthful, B firm, and B fair
Of all misBhaviour B sure and Bware
Bthink ere you stumble for what might Bfall
B true to yourself and B faithful to all
B Brave to Bware of sins that may Bset
B sure that no sin will another Bget
B watchful, B ready, B open, B frank,
B polite to all whatever their rank
B just and B generous, B honest, B wise,
B mindful of time and B certain it flies!
B prudent, B liberal, of order B fond,
Buy what you need Bfore Buying Beyond
B prompt and B dutiful- and please B polite
B grateful, B cautious of those who Btray,
And truly Bloved then Thou shalt B
By all you Bfriend and always By Me!

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