Wasting some time, I decided to revisit the automatic haiku generator I discovered a year or two ago and haven't used since. The vocabulary is severely restricted, heavily peppered with words like belch, shriek, defecate, rasp, demon, devil, flatulent - you get the idea.
This was not a happy person who entered the words to be used in the haiku. Anyhow, came up with three that were okay - and inadvertently erased one or two that looked interesting but came after a long string of really bad ones, so I reflexively deleted them. Oops, but probably not a major loss to the world of poetry.
birds stampede slowly
eccentric intense haystack
rusting, leaning clouds
childishly pure great
bright eruption marvelling
flame soars, leaning soul
contritely still quick
capricious waif darkens, barbed
eternal joyless
This was not a happy person who entered the words to be used in the haiku. Anyhow, came up with three that were okay - and inadvertently erased one or two that looked interesting but came after a long string of really bad ones, so I reflexively deleted them. Oops, but probably not a major loss to the world of poetry.
birds stampede slowly
eccentric intense haystack
rusting, leaning clouds
childishly pure great
bright eruption marvelling
flame soars, leaning soul
contritely still quick
capricious waif darkens, barbed
eternal joyless