Just saw a Time magazine cover about a theological debate about the nature of heaven. For heaven's sake, can't we wait until we see for ourselves, and just stick to trying to do G-d's will? This reminds me of poor Harold Camping's prognostications about exactly when the end of the world will occur. Again, can't we spend our time more productively doing our best, studying the Bible, you know, that kind of thing? True, it takes more effort, and impinges on our actual lives more than diddling around with conjectures while sitting on our duffs, but perhaps, just perhaps, it is actually more rewarding in the long run. Bought the issue, though; it had a couple of other articles that intrigued me.
That being said, there is an argument to be made that, however temporarily, my backyard garden is heaven.
The lingering lonicera fragrantissima blossoms still emit their honeyed scent, and pots of lilies, blooming lilacs, and drifts of dangling wisteria are all contributing their heady fragrance to the mix. I could almost become drunk wandering from flower to flower. The lilacs and especially the wisteria racemes, which grow longer and longer every year, and are of two types: one a bluer lavender, the other a rosier lavender, are so beautiful I can hardly believe they exist in this world - they are like a portal to the next.