Saturday, June 18, 2011

High from Happiness

A section of one of my monoprints.

I had the most wonderful time tonight!  I finished my square dancing course, and my club sponsored a "graduation" dance tonight.  I was very nervous about attending, because I am that (to me) annoying mixture of gregarious and shy, but I knew a couple of people from my class would be there (Ann and Judy at least) and I did my usual telling myself sternly to just GO and I could leave if I didn't enjoy it.

It was so much fun!  I even had a chance to try round dancing with Nad.  The president of the club and the caller signed a graduation diploma, and there was a special presentation, and at the very end, Chir brought out a cake that said "Congratulations Class of 2011" (in other words, me).  I chatted with lots of people and just felt happy - a greatly heightened sense of contentment - even joy - and optimism about the future.  Next dance, August 6th.  Be there, and be square! (dancing, that is . . . )

Thanks, G-d.

I have been thinking a lot about G-d and religion lately; a lot.  I don't understand anything, but I am grateful G-d gave me an innate longing for the transcendent.  I just wish I could be better than I am, but then, I can be better, and will be, mit G-tten's hilfen, as my mother used to say in her fractured Yiddish.

Monday, June 6, 2011


I didn't have high hopes for my birthday this year.  As a matter of fact, I haven't had really high hopes for my birthday since my friend, Lorenzo the Magnificent, moved away.  He called me at 12:01 last night to wish me a happy birthday, which was a great start to what turned out to be a great day.

My sister-in-law, as has been her habit the last few years, decamped to spend her/our birthday with Holly, one of my two nieces, but my brother invited me over to his place for dinner Saturday night, and we hung out and watched "Carnivale" episodes (what a nifty, bizarre, show, and Clancy Brown as Brother Justin is completely mesmerizing!), so I had a great time with him.

But I expected exactly nothing on my birthday itself.  I was wrong.  The day before, I met Twinerik at a mutual friend's wedding.  He immediately told me he wanted to do something for my birthday the next day, and called in the morning to arrange to meet me briefly after school, before I headed off to my evening rehearsal.  He brought me a Hebrew birthday card! chocolates! and a mogen dovid pendant, and treated me to iced coffee at Dunkin' Donuts.  (Chabad says coffee and tea are okay there.)!!

On Thursday he is returning with flowers to take me out to dinner! 

Then quite a few people called to wish me a happy birthday (including Cindy, who just got married yesterday afternoon and might have had a few other things on her mind . . . !) , and I also had a lovely time with Brad and Marlene Weinstein. 

I can't believe how happy I am.  Thanks, God!  I have to add that I would have been happy anyhow.  I have good friends, sweet cats, satisfying work, my own place, a blooming garden - isn't that enough to make one's birthday happy?