We have had several snows already this winter, the first on December 6th, I think, but most of them were puny things, scarcely covering the ground. But a few days ago, we had a beautiful snow storm which left about 4 inches (not bad for our area of the country, although I can imagine the sniffs of disdain from some of you who live where 4 feet isn't unheard of!) and layered everything in sparkling white. It was so beautiful, I was stunned and just stood looking out my window, transfixed. I have been sick, and couldn't go out in it for more than a few minutes, but I did sneak out to take some pictures and drink in the scene. I always try to look at everything so hard, as though I could burn the memory into my brain indelibly, but alas! the immediacy of the image is lost with time, and so too, its real beauty.
I'm glad I took the photos, because the next day the coating on the branches had already diminished considerably. I hope we have more snow this winter - especially on Friday night, melting Sunday night!