Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Leaves Are Falling

At some point when I wasn't looking, most of the trees around my house decided to shed their leaves, leaving my back yard thickly padded with their cast-off foliage. I think it is time to go buy a rake! Ironically, there are no trees in my backyard, but my neighbors are kind enough to donate their leaves by having huge trees growing practically on the property line, overhanging my yard. Thus I receive none of the benefits of having trees myself (climbing them, constructing a tree house in them, using them for stringing up hammocks, etc.) and all of the disadvantages - loads of leaves to rake, and large broken-off branches after every storm.

In the front, though, there are two red Japanese maples which have grown ferociously since I moved in, from three feet to 15 or so - and thus, there is a lush red carpet leading to my front door. I will have to dress up more so that I live up to the red carpet standards.